Age : 6 months
Height : 27 ½”, 85th percentile
Weight : 16 lbs 8 oz, 45th percentile
Clothes : 3-6 months, some 6-9 months
Diapers : We use cloth diapers almost full-time. However,
for night time (because no matter how much I stuff them, I can’t keep him dry
for 12 hours) and longer trips away from home (a diaper bag full of dirty cloth
diapers isn’t my favorite thing) we use size 3 up&up. I just bought some
Honest diapers to try out, I’ll let you know how I like them.
Eating : 6.5 oz/5 x a day, and an assortment of homemade
fruit and vegetable purees. Usually 2 oz/2 x a day.
Sleeping : 7:30pm-7:30 am, and usually two 1½ hour naps.
Pacifiers : We switched from 0-6 month mam pacifiers to 6+
month Latch pacifiers (what we had on hand) and so far so good. They seem a little easier to keep clean, with fewer crevices for things to get trapped. The clear middle of the Latch pacis are weird, but strangely endearing.
Likes : Snuggling things right next to his face while sleeping, which terrifies me & I do everything I can to prevent him from accidentally suffocating, but the boy loves to snuggle. Which is directly related to another item on this list: Nap time with mommy is a favorite activity for the both of us. Sweet Potatoes are hands down his favorite food, but he still will turn down food in favor of his bottle. He is absolutely fascinated with the silkie tags on all of his toys. Chewing on 2 fingers at a time is at a dead even tie for chewing on his feet. Being outdoors is one of his favorite things & he is his most content going for walks in the stroller or sitting in the yard with Cash. He loves laughing with daddy.. Who can make him giggle & scream better than anyone. And finally, pulling mommy's hair and spitting up all over daddy.
Dislikes : 6 month shots probably top his list of least favorite things this month. Followed closely by eating vegetables that aren't mixed with apples or sweet potatoes (butternut squash, green beans... the horror!) Being tucked into the mamaroo, the highchair or even the jumperoo instead of being held by mommy Sippy cups. Anything he can't chew on. Water on his face (not to be confused with rain or a shower because he loves those). Getting an arm or a leg stuck out of his crib. And finally, the blender a.k.a. Samson's arch nemesis.
22 weeks |
23 weeks |
24 weeks |
25 weeks |