Friday, August 29, 2014

21 weeks

Today : 21 weeks 5 days

Weight Gain :  Probably about the same as last week 8ish pounds.  I’m not sure if any pregnant woman really wants to know what the scale says though.

Maternity Clothes : Wore some super comfortable maternity jeans from my sister-in-law Ashley this week. I went shopping and bought a few things size medium instead of size small… the extra room feels awesome

Stretch marks : No

Sleep : What is sleep? Waking up pretty regularly at about 3:30 AM. On days that I work (12.5 hours) that’s not really a welcome early wake up call…
Cash obviously isn't having problems sleeping...

Sickness: No! Feeling awesome!

Movement: Aaron felt Samson kick for the first time on Sunday.  I felt him kick from outside my belly for the first time a few days before that. Now I can feel him moving or kicking almost anytime I touch my belly or am sitting still. I can also see his kicks from the outside, which happens to be the weirdest thing. Ever.

Cravings: Dr. Pepper.  Something about that sugar/caffeine/carbonation/leaching the goodness from my teeth/adding pounds to my waistline keeps me coming back for more.  I hate to admit this, but this week Aaron picked me up a Dr. Pepper on his way home from work and then several hours later we went on a McDonalds run for another Dr. Pepper and some French fries. It was date night. We watched Harry Potter. It was awesome.

Exciting happenings: Completely emptied my “Monica closet,” (Friends, anyone?) purged, organized and put it back together. Perfect timing because I had to find a new home for all my craft supplies. They were previously in what will be Samson’s closet and little man’s stuff just happens to be accumulating pretty quickly around here.

Also, finally picked a paint color. We decided to paint over the chalkboard wall (gasp) which requires sanding, deep cleaning and oil-based primer.  Wish Aaron luck, I think he’ll be doing all the work this weekend when I’m at work.  I'll keep you guessing until I'm sure I actually like the color once it's on the walls.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

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