Friday, December 12, 2014

36 weeks

Today : 36 weeks + 5 days

Weight Gain :  26-27 lbs. I'm not really sure at this point. Depends on how many Oreos I've eaten that day.

Maternity Clothes : Yep. Even my maternity shirts are feeling the stretch at this point…

Stretch marks : Zero, my belly button is 1/2 out, 1/2  … flat? Haha!

Sleep : I’ve become an early riser, waking up between 5:30-6:30 am every day. It’s been nice to wake up early with Aaron and get a little extra time together before he goes to work. I’ve been taking at least 1 nap a day though because holy guacamole, I have been SO tired! Growing a human is hard work!  Thankfully Cash is a good sport and will curl up beside me in bed or on the couch.

Sickness : A little acid reflux, one night of heartburn… thankfully feeling really good. Still having some carpal tunnel issues but nothing awful, although my fat/swollen fingers haven’t been able to wear my wedding rings for several weeks and I’m really missing them. And beer.

Movement :  I haven’t noticed a decrease in movement like they tell you should expect at this point in pregnancy, but the movement I do feel is a bit different. I wish I had the proper words to describe what it truly feels like having a baby in your belly, because while I was skeptical about it at first, I really love it & I think I really will miss it when my belly is (hopefully) flat again someday.

Cravings : I am really, really ready to be able to enjoy a nice beer or margarita again. However, one indulgence I have definitely given into this week is Double Stuffed Oreos. Between Aaron & I, I’m not sure who has eaten more of the package.

Exciting happenings : This whole pregnancy is going by SO fast. I am so ready to meet him, but I also feel like time should slow down a little bit … there is so much to have ready before Samson comes! I’ve really started to feel those nesting urges in the past few weeks and there is baby stuff ready to go all over our house. Something weird that has been going on is my desire to stock up on EVERYTHING... from toilet paper to dog food to meat for the freezer. I'm starting to feel like a doomsday prepper.

I started packing my hospital bag this week… I thought about packing my hospital bag this week. Most importantly what snacks I'd like to take. I had a sister-in-law who went into labor at 37 weeks which is just a few days from now for us, so I definitely feel the need to but I don't even know where to start. For sure next week! 

Aaron’s job for this weekend is to clean our car from top to bottom and install the car seat & base. It's definitely starting to feel real that 40 weeks is almost over, but it's crazy actually thinking about bringing our son home so soon! We are so, so excited :)

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