Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hello Fall

This week we said goodbye to summer and said hello to fall. In honor of the changing seasons, Samson's nap times have changed and he went from five bottles a day to four, without too much difficulty. However, in a cranky moment pre-naptime on Monday, he head-butted my face and surprised me with a bloody nose. How sweet. He stayed up TWO hours past his bed time on Tuesday, just so he could watch The Voice. By Wednesday, we were ready for an extended morning with Aaron before he had a late evening of travel to Ohio, and then got lucky enough for grandma & grandpa to come by for dinner. Samson was extra sweet for grandpa and fell asleep for him in just a few minutes. Today after Aaron left for work, I ventured out with Samson & Cash to soak up some of this beautiful weather. I picked up a new Toasted Graham Latte from Starbucks and we all went to the park for a walk. I know I say this often, but this is my favorite baby stage yet. Samson is so much fun and he loves exploring, especially with his brother Cash by his side.

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