Monday, February 29, 2016

Another Memory for the Baby Book

Well, a little over a week ago, Samson's long, wispy baby hair, a.k.a. the sweetest mullet I have ever seen, has officially been trimmed up into a toddler hair cut. My sister-in-law, Ravelle, had the honor of attempting to trim the locks of a squirmy one year old, while simultaneously trying not to gouge his eye with the pointy end of her shears. Sounds like fun right? We started out by giving him a food pouch, which actually worked really well for about 30 seconds until he had sucked it all down. After that it was a lot of coaxing and trying to get him to watch Sesame Street on my phone until I realized I knew exactly what he would hold still for. Adam Levine. He is my child after all. So, I turned on the music video for Maroon 5-Sugar and he got in the hair cut zone. Hallelujah! I'll try to start with that one next time.

I did my best to take pictures, but Samson won't hold still for anything these days. His hair cut was so cute, I had forgotten all about how I cried at just the thought of cutting it the night before. How did he  grow up so fast?! It's amazing to me how I spent so much time memorizing every detail of him as a new baby and he's grown and changed so quickly, yet so subtly over the past year, now suddenly before me is a little boy. I swear my heart gets bigger every single day.

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