Moms, I know we all love to think we have it all together. But, we've all been there... the moment we realize we DON'T have it all figured out. Maybe you realize you left the house with spit up down the front of your shirt, maybe you forgot to pack a bottle for your hungry baby, maybe you left home without re-stocking your diaper bag with it's key item, diapers! Or maybe, you are in the check-out at Target and you discover you have no idea where your wallet is. YES! Yes, to all of those things. They ALL happened to me in the past week. #amateur (Also, #ihatemyselfforusinghashtags, but when it fits, it fits).
Anyways, as you might have gathered from the title of this post, there was another momma out there who had been there. She saw the panic in my eyes and swooped in from her Bat Mobile Town & Country mini van to save the day. A complete stranger paid for my entire Target purchase. I looked like a total fool repeating "I can't believe this, you don't have to do this, thank you so much." And like it was no big deal, she said "I know I don't have to do this, but I've been there."
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Coffee & Jesus Print by Creative Type Designs on Etsy |
The experience in itself was amazing, however, there's more. Two days prior at church, a guest pastor was discussing generosity. A verse I had written down to study later was Luke 16:9 "I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings" (NIV). God has blessed us richly. He doesn't bless us so we can stash it all up and make ourselves feel good. He entrusts us with our blessings so we can INVEST them in His people. I don't believe that I received that message and received that woman's gift as a part of some big coincidence. God is alive, my friends, and He is good. Someone invested their blessings in me, now I'm investing in you.
Enjoy a cup of coffee on me! All you have to do is show this barcode to the barista at Starbucks. If YOU want to pay it forward too, all you have to do is tell the barista you would like to add $ amount to the card. Either way, you're coffee is free today (or until the balance on the card is gone!) Bonus points if you post a picture of yourself enjoying your sweet treat to Instagram or Facebook & use #payitforward! Happy Friday!
Also, please be kind to others... don't use this good deed to stock your pantry up with coffee beans & a new french press. Thank you :)
What a sweet, sweet message from one of the sweetest people I know. Thank you for sharing Em :)
ReplyDeleteI love this! What an awesome experience to come out of such an awful one! Thanks for sharing :)