Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Samson : 3 months

My brown eyed boy is three months old! The past month has been full of new experiences and new adventures. Samson gets more and more handsome every day! He's getting so much stronger and I'm always amazed at what he can do. He loves hanging out on his tummy and rolling over to his back. Last week week he started rolling from his back to his sides, which is pretty impressive to watch, but he can't quite get himself all the way over yet. When he hangs out in his Bumbo or in his high-chair he looks like such a big boy. 

His favorite thing to do is stand up on his own feet. He is so proud of himself every time he pops up! I adore his smile and his laugh, he must like it too, because I'm always catching him making eyes at himself in the mirror. Sweet little narcissist. When he's not smiling, he's putting things in his mouth. Usually he's gumming on his own hands and toys... however, today I watched him kick off his sock, grab it with his hand and in his mouth it went... quite the feat.
Age : 3 months

Height : 24" ? - No doctor's appointment this month.. so no idea!

Weight : A little less than 14 lbs (very precise, I know)

Clothes : 0-3 months.

Diapers : Size 2 disposable diapers, approximately same size settings on the cloth diapers.

Eating : Formula. 7 oz/5x a day. He looooooves to eat. Since he has such big bottles though, he is constantly decorating all our clothes with spit up, I like to think of it as mommy perfume... yum.

Sleeping : 9p-7a. That's right. 10 hours. It's heavenly. He wakes up in the morning, hangs out for a while and snuggles/sleeps a little longer. He usually takes a 2 1/2 hour nap late in the morning, then cat naps in the afternoon while momma catches up on reading or re-watching Game of Thrones before the new season starts, or while we're out doing some shopping.

Pacifiers : MAM pacis have risen to the top as the favorites. We had to stock up to replace all the other pacifiers he refuses now.
Likes : Big bottles, the kitchen sprayer at bath time, big brother Cash, his little lamb lovie blanket, snuggling, reading, napping in the mamaRoo, checking himself out in the mirror and watching March Madness with daddy.

Dislikes : The suction bulb... we had the pleasure of catching some pretty yucky germs recently and he's turned into a snot machine, coughing that wakes him up in the middle of the night, milk coming out of his nose, and sitting in the carseat without
his lamb blanket.
9 weeks
10 weeks
11 weeks
12 weeks

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