Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Samson : 5 months

Every time I sit down to type out these monthly updates several thoughts cross my mind : 1. No way this much time has passed 2. How on earth did my baby get this big? 3. It's a good thing I keep track of these moments somewhere because I am definitely not one of those typical "baby-booking" first time moms 4. YOU GUYS, I have the cutest baby on the planet, I want to tell you ALL about him ;)

So, 5 months old. This month has seen a lot of good nights of sleep, a lot of questionable nap times, lots of giggles and even more exploring. It gets more and more fun daily! Over the past month, we've introduced Samson to food (one kind a week because I make it myself & I'm too lazy for more than that). He becomes more mobile as the days pass, he can roll and scoot with the best of them. He's got his own version of "crawling" down, which I'm fairly certain is going to result in rug burn on his forehead soon. He is a bed-time all-star and a nap-time rookie. He loves to be surprised, play peek-a-boo and chase Cash around the house. If he's crying, he'll almost always settle down for a big, wet smooch from his furry brother or some time outside.

Age : 5 months

Height : 26 1/2 " (ish)

Weight : 17 lbs (ish)

Clothes : 3-6 months and a few 6-9 months. They are big on him, but I thought I'd rather buy more clothes for him to grow into... you can call me a thrifty mom ;)

Diapers : Charlie Bananas during the day, and size 3 up & up diapers at night time. We sized up his diapers for volume, not size. He's still a little string bean!

Eating : 6.5 oz/5 x a day, rice cereal and homemade baby food once or twice a day (so far : bananas, avocado, sweet potato, apples, next up: butternut squash!)

Sleeping : 7:30pm-7am, nap time is totally suspect these days. Mr. Busy Body wants nothing to do with naps unless he is in the carseat or stroller.

Pacifiers : MAM pacifiers and his fingers and/or whatever stuffed animal he can get his hands on.

Likes : Playing with Cash, books and stuffed animals, playing with mommy & daddy, going for walks, being outside, jumping in the bouncer, bath time

Dislikes : Napping in his crib, being strapped down in any capacity, dirty diapers, eating food when he's really hungry for a bottle, catching a glimpse of himself crying in the mirror... the travesty!
17 weeks
18 weeks
19 weeks
20 weeks
21 weeks

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Rub A Dub Dub

Samson has a long list of favorite things and bath time is definitely one of them. Until recently, I was doing bath time during the day, but Samson was really showing us he wanted an (early) bedtime routine. So out came the sleepy-time bubble bath and pajamas. We don't give him a bath every day because 1. He's a baby and doesn't need it 2. Ain't nobody got time for that. (Don't hate me for my pop-culture references). 

Anyways, on nights when we don't do a bath, we start with pajamas, bed times stories, bed time prayers and listening to the fan while we rock in the glider in his room. Personally, I thought bed time routines for babies were over rated, until my baby started sleeping 8:30p-7:00a. At 4 months. Sometimes he sleeps until 8:30a, and it is UNREAL. I almost forgot to mention he usually falls asleep in like 2 minutes after his prayers. I'm pretty sure that any future babies will be little hooligans and you'll find me reminiscing on these precious, easy moments with Samson. 

Without further adieu, here a few pictures from tonight's bath.