Monday, August 29, 2016

Baby West #2

It's high time that this is blog post official... Cash's crew is expanding this fall. Baby Boy West #2 is due October 29, 2016! We are SO excited about adding another little boy to our family and we can't wait to meet our son!

As un-ceremonious as it may be 7 months in, I'm finally getting around to posting about expecting our second baby. As much as I'd love to say I'm a successful blogger of our life events, I love even more that I know when something I enjoy isn't just an outlet, but a distraction. Keeping up with a wild toddler, opposite work schedules, maintaing our household, enjoying time with family & friends, and balancing Aaron's grad school schedule make for plenty of "busy," for me. My down time has been spent much differently lately... more naps, more Netflix and more ice cream, if you must know. Someday though, I'll likely look back and wish I would have written more about this pregnancy and our growing family, so better late then never is just going to have to work this time around. I have no plans to do a weekly pregnancy update, but I wanted to jot down a few current thoughts and reflections comparing this pregnancy to my last pregnancy.

Today : 31 weeks + 2 days (this picture is from 29 weeks, since then I have cut 6" off my hair and gained a few lbs)

Weight Gain :  20ish lbs... I was slowly losing weight when I got pregnant this time around (I'd guess I was about 5 lbs less than when I got pregnant with Samson) so it's difficult to give an accurate number. I gained weight slower at first and then faster in the 2nd trimester. I'm still not sure if it's something I care more or less about this time around.

Maternity Clothes : Of course! My belly expanded much quicker this pregnancy! I love the warm weather of summer, but I'm ready for it to cool down a little bit... my wardrobe will expand significantly when I can start wearing long sleeves and sweaters!

Stretch Marks : I have a few that arrived AFTER the birth of Samson... which doesn't seem fair does it?... but I'm not sure that I'm accumulating more at this point. They were kind of hard to see in the first place and my belly is a little too round for me to report on the current state of them. Second time around, I can honestly say it's not something I care about. Don't expect a weekly play by play. You'll still see me in a bikini next summer.

Sleep : So good! Looking back at posts from my pregnancy with Samson, I can't believe how much trouble I was having with sleep by this point. Maybe I've just adjusted my expectations of a good night of sleep now that I'm a parent, but I do think this pregnancy has been much easier on my body than the last time around. No insomnia, no carpel tunnel and no sore joints to keep me up at night... yet. Woohoo!

Sickness : None. At all. The whole time. Can I get an AMEN?! After throwing up daily for half of my pregnancy with Samson, this has been the most welcome of changes. I have been dealing with heart burn lately, but maybe that just means we're getting set up for another hairy newborn?

Movement : So much! Samson doesn't know what's going on yet, but his baby brother has been kicking him quite a bit lately. I love feeling a baby move in my belly, it's one of my absolute favorite parts of pregnancy. I'm also pretty sure that baby boy is also doing a little bit of "Wax on, wax off" because his movements seem super rhythmic and strange lately.

Craving : Twizzlers! I have eaten more strawberry Twizzlers in the past seven months then in my last 26 years combined. It's a distinct possibility that this child will be born with red hair, courtesy of all the Red 40 color. My first trimester, I was obsessed with strawberry everything... I could have eaten strawberry jelly with a spoon. In fact, I might have. I'll never tell. It's worth mentioning that I also still love Dr. Pepper and donuts, but Aaron says I can't claim those as pregnancy cravings anymore.. that they are just my favorite things, since I kept up the habit long after Samson had been born. ;)

Exciting happenings : So far this pregnancy has been an easy, healthy one. Hopefully the next 9ish weeks are just as great as the last 31 have been. We've stocked up on Pampers Swaddlers (yes we still cloth diaper Samson & will cloth diaper this babe after a few months as well). We bought Samson a big boy bed so we'll be ready to upgrade him when he's done with his crib... hopefully the timing will work out with his little brother. We're in no rush since we plan on the baby sleeping in our room for several months in the bassinet. We have a bought a few sweet little outfits for baby boy, I'm on the hunt for a new baby blanket and lovie. We have been evaluating everything we have and the things we need to purchase/upgrade this time around. I'm trying my hardest to hold out until October to start un-boxing all of the baby things we have packed away! We're all starting to get really excited around here!