Saturday, September 6, 2014

22 weeks

Today : 22 weeks 4 days

Weight Gain :  10 lbs. Whoa, baby, double digits! I blame the Dr Pepper.

Maternity Clothes : My shirts are still the same. But, thank goodness for stretchy pants!

Stretch marks : Nope

Sleep : According to Aaron “Your back pillows have become my back pillows.” Sleep comes with extra pillows. Cash thinks this is us finally accommodating his needs.

Sickness : Nada

Movement : Oh yeah! Both Aaron & I are feeling a lot more kicks and rolls.  This baby likes dance parties while mommy is driving. He also seems to be just as excited as we are for football season & was kicking all night long during the USF Cougars season opener. I think we’ll get along juuuuust fine.

Cravings : We ate Taco Bell for the first time in years this week, just because. I’m not sure that counts, but it’s definitely not something I would have usually been down with.

Also, I’m blaming that 10 lb weight gain on that Dr Pepper craving that seems to be lingering. Hoping to make my doctor happy by switching to an occasional 12 oz can of Dr Pepper vs the almost-every-day 32 oz fountain pop I was sucking down.  My hips don’t lie.

Exciting happenings : Nursery is painted! The color is called Mint Whisper, in person it is definitely on the blue side of the mint family. I love it! As far as a theme goes, we don't really have one. It's kind of a mash-up of various things to make up a style. I'm hoping to do a post soon about the big picture, but here's a little preview just because I'm so excited about it ;)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jaimie, 30 paint chips later.. This is what we settled on. Haha :)

  2. You are adorable! I love that mint color :). I can't wait to see the entire room & you guys soon!
