At 24 weeks, Samson is about the length of a cantaloupe or an ear of corn, depending on what app you look at. (One of these apps uses the cantaloupe at 34 weeks & another claims a coconut is bigger, so take this with a grain of salt.) The food sized visuals always blow me away, because even though I feel so much bigger than my normal self, I don't feel over abundantly pregnant-sized... And an ear of corn is long guys. He's a month past half baked & has grown from the size of a poppy seed to the size of one of the real, living babies I see in the NICU at work. Blows my mind.
It will always be so miraculous to me that something (read someone) that was just a dream of Aaron & I's a few short months ago is coming to fruition. What is a greater miracle still, is that this is all God's plan. He saw our lives and Samson's life and knew that they were meant to be twined together. I hope I can remember that in 1 year, in 16 years, etc... When motherhood and this little boy test my every ounce of patience.
This morning I am feeling so thankful for my sweet son, who is fearfully and wonderfully made.
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