Saturday, September 27, 2014

25 weeks

 Today : 25 weeks 6 days

Weight Gain :  13 lbs. I’m not exactly sure when my belly surpassed my boobs, but that’s a thing now… and not just in an “oops,  I just ate a burrito” kind of way… more like in a strangers can actually tell I’m pregnant now way.

Maternity Clothes : Obviously. 
 Most of my non-pregnancy shirts look like this. I'm one Natty light can away from fitting in at a Nascar race. 

Stretch marks : No way.

Sleep : Yes please.  Usually sleeping really well, but Samson still loves to practice his ninja skills at 3 am.

Sickness: No, but acid reflux is a more regular occurrence. Gross.

Movement: My belly is moving more and more. Samson’s getting big enough to make my belly lopsided periodically, which is hilarious.

Cravings: The usual… for the love of Dr. Pepper. Also, we had pizza twice this week… I don’t know how it happened, but it did and I’m not complaining.

Exciting happenings: Went to a WET wedding, saw a beautiful bride (Congrats Alyssa & Shayne!), and spent some quality time with my brother Michael, his wife Ashley and their two beautiful daughters, Annalyn & Emelina. 
Annalyn! I sure hope Samson is this cute!
My new "mom" glasses... for the future when I don't have time to shower or put on makeup.

I also got new glasses and highlights/lowlights. Aaron took a day off, so we got to spend some time together. I got to spend time with my sister-in-law Ravelle and mom.  Did some crafting with my dear friend Kali and made a hippie-esque dream catcher, which will most likely find it's way to Samson's room. We saw our best friends James & Jenny and their perfect little girl Gemma. Samson and Gemma are bound to be best friends and they might get married someday, who knows.
I went rogue with this... I can't decide if I need to rearrange the feathers. #hippiehomedecor

This week was so busy and so much fun! I need to stop procrastinating my blog until the end of the week, so I can include more fun details. 
Additionally, Samson got SPOILED this week. You know who you are! You guys are way too good to him (and us!) We love you!

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