Thursday, October 2, 2014

26 weeks

Today : 26 weeks + 4 days

Weight Gain :  14.5 lbs … seriously. Whoa, belly ;)

Maternity Clothes : It’s officially fall, which means leggings and boots. I’m still wearing my regular leggings/yoga pants but maternity tops are a yes... and often.

Stretch marks : Nope… but I’m sure feeling stretched. The past 2 weeks have felt like HUGE growth weeks for both Samson and me, according to pregnancy apps he’s 2 lbs + now.

Sleep : Starting to deal with some insomnia. Which is really not fun. It’s extra time for devotionals and browsing for fun mama accounts on Instagram though, so I’m not complaining… yet.

Sickness:  No, dealing with less heartburn/reflux this week too. Holla!

Movement: Samson’s has been flipping the other direction lately and kicking my internal organs more often than my belly button, which is a really weird feeling. He also tends to favor curling up in a little ball, mostly on my right side so my stomach looks lopsided pretty frequently.

Cravings: No. This week has actually been a really good week eating wise. I’m eating more good stuff and less junk. There have been a few days that I have been totally famished… which is which why I think both Samson and I are going to have a growth spurt. Don't worry though, I had a Dr Pepper one day and some donuts this morning.. all is right in the world.

Exciting happenings: We started some baby registries this week! Registering was fun, but fairly overwhelming.  For such a little human, babies come with a lot of stuff, yikes! If you have any good ideas, send them our way!
I read that Samson’s eyes are opening and he can see and respond to light outside my belly.  I put a flashlight up to my stomach and sure enough, ninja kicks and rolls. This baby is active and kind of crazy, Lord help us.

Boston Scream and Pumpkin Donut with a Hot Chocolate
Cash is getting excited to meet this baby everyone keeps talking about

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