Today : 28 weeks 4 days
Weight Gain : 16.5 lbs ... maybe 17 lbs. Depends on if you weigh me before or after ice cream.
Maternity Clothes : Yes, I am so thankful for those elastic sided shirts. This belly is starting to look like it belongs in a diagram of a solar system.
Stretch marks : Nope.
Sleep : I've been waking up really early and taking a long morning nap with Cash after Aaron leaves for work. Awesome.
Sickness : Reflux at night.. thankfully no heart burn or nausea though.
Movement : Yes. I have really noticed Samson responding regularly to things going on outside my belly. When my hands (or laptop) are resting on my stomach, he'll poke or kick me. If I'm laying on my left or right side, he'll push HARD towards the side down. Pretty awkward feeling. He loves to dance on my bladder when Justin Timberlake is playing but, country music seems to have the opposite affect. Hopefully that's a sign that he'll be lulled to sleep with country music radio like his cousins Annalyn & Emelina.
Cravings : Apparently caramel truffles... I didn't realize that happened until I got home from the grocery store. They are both delicious though, I promise.
Exciting happenings : This week has been so busy for Aaron, so I feel like it just flew by. We are so excited to meet our son, but I think we both would appreciate it if time slowed down just a little.
Cash caused quite a bit of drama halfway through the week with a sudden onset of ridiculous sickness and a trip to the vet. He's on the mend though, don't worry.
Hopefully next week I'll be able to finally pick some fabric for the crib skirt, curtains and teepee I plan on making for the nursery. I was far too scatter brained this week to make it happen. However, I was not too busy to check out some cute baby things. So far I have only bought one toy and one package on onesies for Samson, but I can feel my will power slipping! Check out how cute these things are & you'll understand why... feast your eyes on some of my favorites.
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