Today : 27 weeks 6 days
Weight Gain : 15.5 lbs ... although sometimes I see this belly & think it's got to be more. Holy guacamole.
Maternity Clothes : Obviously. And it is fantastic. Fall is the best time to be pregnant, hands down. I obviously don't speak from experience here... but can you imagine squeezing all this in to shorts? No thank you.
Forgot to take my 27 week picture until Saturday night after work (which explains the poor picture quality, sorry!).. Samson is very active at night and my belly always pops out a bit (okay, okay... a lot) more. The picture below in the black and white striped shirt is a little better representation of my belly on a normal day and time.
Shameless Target dressing room selfie. Sometimes maternity clothes are too cute not to buy. |
Stretch marks : Nope
Sleep : More, please. This fall weather is perfect for snuggles and naps.
Sickness : No, but the glucose test I did on Monday put me in dire straights over some french fries. Also, in honor of Cash's 2nd birthday and me not failing said glucose test, I baked cupcakes and taste tested the icing several times in the process of frosting. Cash & I both were in sugar comas afterwords.
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Why wasn't this cold? And why didn't I get a straw? |
Cash in a post-cupcake stupor. |
Cravings : Nothing exciting to write about until Friday when I woke up before 6 am and demanded we go out for breakfast before Aaron went to work. I was starving for eggs, bacon and hash browns. I don't even like eggs. I settled for a bacon, egg & cheese breakfast sandwich on an Asiago cheese bagel from Panera. If you haven't had one, please get one. One of my favorite things, even when I'm not pregnant!
Exciting happenings : Last weekend I unfortunately missed out on the BB King concert I planned to go to with Aaron, my brother Josh and his wife Ravelle (it was postponed). Lucky for me, I saw some of my best friends from high school instead. Monday, I had my 27 week appointment where everything is measuring right on track. Tuesday I saw Gone Girl with Kali, where Samson went crazy for the surround sound in the movie theater. Cash had a birthday and we added some things to our baby registry.
Jamie, Adrienne & Holli! |
I found some super cute things this week for Samson. I absolutely love graphic art and typography, especially when it is combined with scripture. While I love to make and design my own things, sometimes it's fun to see what other people are doing and support them. Enter Naptime Diaries. One of my favorite places for inspiration. I love this sweet little piece and it's given me a lot of ideas for Samson's nursery.
I love this print from |
4moms rockaRoo. |
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