Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cash's Birthday

I love to make a big deal about birthdays and holidays. So while this is super silly, and kind of embarrassing, we spent yesterday celebrating Cash's 2nd birthday.  We were supposed to start the day with donuts before Aaron went to work, but someone forgot to set an alarm so we had to skip it (cue disappointed pregnant women and totally clueless dog).  Once we finally woke up, I decided we should make some homemade dog treats to compensate.  

I'll spare you the details because I'm definitely not meant to be a food blogger, but these dog treats only take 4 ingredients (pumpkin, peanut butter, flour and eggs) and bake for 30 minutes.  You can find the recipe on  I let Cash taste the dough to make sure it was to his liking before we rolled it out & cut out the shapes ;)
I can't believe it took me making dog treats to realize I don't have a real rolling pin. I used a drinking glass instead.

Cash checking on the progress of his treats.

Notice the drool? He'll gladly balance stuff on top of his head, but on top of his snout? No way.

Although you could eat the dog treats, unfortunately, they won't taste nearly as good to you as they do to your dog who, no joke, also eats poop. So I made something delicious for the non-dog-treat eaters in the West house. Also, let's face it, I'm 27 weeks pregnant and cupcakes always sound good. I found a recipe for Snickerdoodle cupcakes on and got to work.

I know I'm not the only person who has a weird nickname for their dog. Or a few. Aaron & I call Cash "Doodle," almost as often as we call him Cash.  I think it originated from "dude," which we would say with a healthy dose of emphasis when he did something annoying or bad as a puppy. So the obvious choice for his birthday cupcakes were Snickerdoodles, which I love, and also have no chocolate, a big plus when it comes to dogs.
Seriously, this recipe: cinnamon swirled cakes, cinnamon swirled buttercream..

 Try balancing a cupcake on labrador retriever's head. Impossible.

Yum!  We'll see if Cash's birthday gets this big of celebration next year when Samson is here keeping us all busy.  Hopefully he'll be so happy to have a live-in best friend that he won't mind. Plus, if Samson is anything like me, he'll be a messy eater and there will be plenty of surprises for Cash on a daily basis. 

Super thankful for our best friend Cash and all the joy he brings to our life. Happy birthday Cash!

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