Thursday, October 23, 2014

29 weeks

Today : 29 weeks + 4 days

Weight Gain :  18.5 lbs ... I feel like I have been packing it on the last few weeks, but my belly is growing and it's pretty obvious that Samson is getting big. We also may or may not have a pumpkin shaped candy dish filled with goodies on the counter. Whatever.

Maternity Clothes : Obviously. Can I get an amen for leggings? All day, every day. 

Stretch marks : No. People keep telling me that it's bound to happen since my belly is growing so much, so fast, but I haven't seen any yet. Hopefully they don't ever make an appearance before OR after Samson's arrival. Fingers crossed!

However, my belly button is this.close to no longer being an innie... and it is freaking me out. Will it ever be the same? It's okay to lie to me if necessary.

Starbucks Salted Caramel Mocha Frappucino ... such a yummy treat!

Sleep : Will never be the same. One, I'm a grade A pumpkin smuggler at this point and a back sleeper by nature. I've succumbed to sleeping on my side, but it is not nearly as comfortable for me. Two, Sunday marked the onset of some pretty awesome carpal tunnel symptoms: numbness, tingling, decreased grip strength and PAIN. Oh my gosh. From my hands up to my shoulders.. No matter what I do it wakes me up every few hours. Pray for me!
Also, I ended up working 5 days in a row.. which is a BIG stretch from my normal 2 days on, 5 days off routine. I know, I know.. rough. BUT, it really did interfere with my already changed sleep schedule (especially since one of those days I worked 3rd shift). 

Sickness : I occasionally get some pretty bad reflux, I attribute that to my rapidly decreasing stomach capacity. Thankfully very rarely do I get heartburn.. But, I did have to cancel some plans last weekend because it was so bad. 

Movement : Yep! I'm starting to get to the point where I can definitely distinguish body parts. It's fun and sometimes painful. I'm convinced our little man is trying to make his way out of my belly button, but his (getting more frequent) swift kicks to the bladder remind me he does know what direction is up and what direction is down. Maybe we should have expected it, we named our little boy after the strongest man in the Bible.

Kisses from Cash as he helped me pick out the fabric for Sam's room.
 Cravings : Corn dogs. For the record, I haven't had any... yet.

Exciting happenings : A lot of extra work at the hospital this week. After that, I got to spend some time with one of my best friends, Holli, as well as my mom. 

Also, I FINALLY picked out the main fabric for Samson's room! I had to e-mail the designer to ask if she would be able to flip the design 90 degrees for me so it would work out for the project I have in mind, her response was seriously lightning fast and a big fat yes. Hallelujah! Can't wait to get my hands on this and get to work!

1 comment:

  1. Good news...your innie will become an innie again! Mine went to a complete outie at 30 weeks. It took a few months after she was born for it to go back, but it did :).

    It is possible to have no stretch marks. Promise. And even if you get them, they will fade too. Love you cutie!
