Today : 31 weeks + 5 days
Weight Gain : 19.5 lbs
Maternity Clothes : Yep. Most days I mix and match. These are maternity jeggings from Old Navy my sister-in-law let me borrow. This shirt is just a medium non-maternity shirt from Old Navy, a size up from my regular.
Stretch marks : No. My belly button is not really an innie anymore, although it doesn't qualify as an outie quite yet. I keep expecting to wake up one morning and it will have popped like one of those red thermometers you put in your Thanksgiving Turkey.
Sleep : I'm getting plenty of sleep, but in weird shifts. I'm pretty consistent in waking up at 4:30 AM. I follow that up with a 2 hour nap after Aaron leaves for work. This means I've gone full hobbit mode a la Bilbo Baggins and have breakfast AND second breakfast. Fantastic.
Sickness : Nope
Movement : Yes.. there's a dance party in my belly right now. It's all fun and games until the elbows come out. I am starting to wonder if Samson might be laying side-to-side though, because more often than not I'm feeling jabs and kicks simultaneously on opposite sides of my belly. Another factor in my side-to-side theory is that my stomach feels lower than it has been in previous weeks and I think it would be too early for that to happen normally.
Cravings : Peanut Butter Oatmeal... I think I've had it for breakfast every day this week. Except for today, because it was Friday and it was payday and we had donuts. Oh, and obviously Dr Pepper.
Exciting happenings : Got coffee with a girlfriend I hadn't seen since this summer (sorry Holly!), went to Babies R Us with my mom, had some friends over for dinner, worked on some things for the nursery and got our first box of cloth diapers in the mail.
As promised, I definitely plan on doing a dedicated post about our decision to cloth diaper and what it entails soon, but just in case you got really freaked out and started envisioning the earlier generations, white Gerber cloth diapers, diaper pins and plastic pants.. here is what cloth diapers look like today.
These are Charlie Banana one-size hybrid cloth diapers. Theoretically, these will fit Samson from birth to potty training and will last through multiple children. They go on just like disposable diapers and I promise there is no toilet dunking involved. The outside is a soft water-resistent fabric, the inside is fleece... which is definitely nicer than that maxi-pad feel of disposables. In between those layers is a pocket that you stuff with a soft microfiber insert. If you're still unsure about the whole thing, it's ok, Cash is too...
Also, one last bit of exciting news for the week... Due date milk is in stores now! I'm not sure why this has always been so fun for me. All big events are marked as near, upcoming and HOLY SMOKES EXCITING when you see them printed on something real and tangible. Graduation, weddings, birthdays, etc. Nobody else but my sister-in-law Ashley may get this excited about milk, but maybe I'll convert you.
If you aren't an organic milk drinker, you'll have to wait until December to nab some for your own refrigerator, but in the West household, we've got this date in our fridge and on our calendars! Woohoo!
You are soooo pregnant now! I love the weekly updates because they really seem to make time fly by. Can't wait to see the little baby (I'm selfishly hoping he comes a week or two early)! You should put up some newborn pics of you and Aaron sometime so we can start picturing what to expect.