Thursday, November 13, 2014

32 weeks

Today : 32 weeks + 4 days

Weight Gain :  22 lbs ... SERIOUSLY. After holding steady at the same weight for several weeks, boom, just in time for stepping on the scale at the doctor's office Samson and I had a huge growth spurt.  Roll your eyes if you want, but this part of pregnancy is one of my least favorites.

Maternity Clothes : Yep. Thankfully, a lot of my regular wardrobe does still fit. This pink shirt is from Victoria's Secret 4 years ago. Evidenced by this awesome #tbt from the weekend of my 20th birthday (Sorry about that cool filter, my flip phone and the Jersey Shore reference below. I loved college.)
Stretch marks : No. However, I am rocking a half-in, half-out belly button... very cool. 

Sleep : It could be worse. I've actually had a head cold the past few days so I've been taking Benadryl and sleeping through the worst of my carpal tunnel symptoms. Woohoo!

Sickness : Nothing. Feeling good!

Movement : Yes.. this little babe is constantly on the move. I got a pretty cute video of him shaking up my belly with some hiccups this week. He was positioned head down, tush up at my appointment on Monday. Hopefully he remembers that for the next 8 weeks!

Cravings : After finding out I'd gained 22 lbs, I've felt a little compelled to lay off the donuts (as often). I also seem to have my Dr Pepper craving under control at the moment. We may or may not had a late night french fry date earlier this week though... nobody's perfect ;)

Exciting happenings : Once again, we had a good doctor's appointment. Everything is measuring right on track, my blood pressure is good and Samson's heart rate is hanging out right around 140 bpm. 

Getting really excited about baby showers! There is something awesome about hanging out with family and friends, eating good food and getting your hands on all those soft, sweet, tiny baby things. Maybe it's the hormones, but at this point, tiny little baby socks melt me to a puddle. 

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