Saturday, November 29, 2014

34 weeks

Today : 34 weeks + 6 days

Weight gain : 25 lbs ... If I'm being honest, it's not been easy to see the scale climb higher & higher. When I first started noticing the "fullness" of pregnancy in my face, I might have cried.. but I try to remind myself that there will be days that I will miss this and I am so blessed to be able to experience this little miracle growing inside me.

Maternity clothes : Yep, regular shirts just don't cut it anymore. I am definitely wearing more leggings and yoga pants that maternity jeans though.. Pants are overrated.

Stretch marks : Nada. I might have high-fived my doctor this week when she said my belly looked really good & she didn't think I'd end up with any stretch marks. No pregnant woman will ever hear that enough. Ever. Also, my belly button is strangely cute and weird poking through my shirts, but thankfully still not a full blown outtie.

Sleep : I feel like I could go into hibernation into Samson gets here. There are not enough hours in the day for sleep. Also, I've been waking up no later than 6 am everyday, apparently Samson thinks that's an awesome time to wake up. We are in for it.

Sickness/symptoms : I accidentally gagged myself while brushing my teeth last night. I've never thrown up like that before.. It was so bizarre! I am still having carpal tunnel issues due to the swelling in my hands, but I've learned to cope with it. I'm having Braxton Hicks everyday & poor Aaron has to deal with me asking for a back rub everyday, but Husband of the Year is doing a great job :)

Movement : Yes! We had pizza & ice cream for Aaron's birthday this week and Samson went bananas! Apparently he knew it was daddy's birthday and was ready to party!

Cravings : My love of Dr. Pepper is stronger than ever before.

Exciting Happenings : After an eventful week of work, I was a total zombie on Monday, but at my 34 week appointment, everything looked to be right on track. Samson's still head down & heartbeat is about 135 bpm.

We had a change of heart and decided to get a Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 30/30 carseat instead of the Chicco Keyfit 30 we initially had planned upon. I felt really strongly about buying our car seat sooner than later, because I was starting to have some anxiety about going into labor without having one. We also got a stroller it could click into (Peg Perego Vela Easy Drive) and although its not the all black Baby Jogger City Mini I had my heart set on, it is definitely growing on me! 
Cash is not quite sure about this contraption that will be accompanying him on his walks this spring.
This week Aaron turned 25, and since he accidentally took my keys to work with him I wasn't able to get to the grocery in order to make him a birthday meal or cake (which is why we had pizza & ice cream). My pregnant lady emotions got the best of me & I definitely cried about how I was "the worst wife ever" when he got home. Thankfully, the ice cream made me feel less sad about that. ;)

Aaron & I have been able to spend the past 4 days together, which is completely unheard of due to our opposite schedules, but has been so awesome. Spending quality time with people you love is something you should never take for granted.

Today is both my mom & dad's birthday and we were blessed to be able to spend the day with them, two of my three brothers and their wives, and our extended family in Ohio. My cousin's wife Kate & I shared an amazing baby shower thrown by people we love most. Week 34 has sure been good to us, I can't wait to see what's in store for us next week :)
My sister-in-law Ashley and her beautiful baby girls!

For the record: Just one baby for me and one baby for Kate, no twins here!

1 comment:

  1. You're adorable! Love that tunic top :) Trust me, you're the not the worst wife ever. You're amazing and I can't wait to see you & Aaron with your little bundle of joy soon :)
