Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Weekdays with Samson

Last week was my first full week at home with Samson since Aaron went back to work. I'm on maternity leave for the next couple of months, but once I return to work my weekdays with Samson will remain the same. It is something I have been planning for before we even got pregnant, but once Samson was actually here I wondered what it was really going to be like to be a stay home momma.

When it came to becoming a momma, I had no idea what to expect. Aaron & I didn't take any classes & I have yet to open any kind of pregnancy or parenting book. It wasn't that we didn't talk about or dream about what becoming a family would mean, but the truth is there is nothing anyone can tell you to prepare you for parenthood. There have been several times I have been heard saying "I wish someone would have told me..." in the last two (almost three) weeks and I'm fairly certain we are running Google to max capacity with all the questions we've had.

All of sleeplessness aside, I love all the time I get to spend getting to know our son. I love watching his expressions while he naps and I love watching him observe the world around him while he is awake. I've affectionately given him the nickname Little Bear and I think he is one of the cutest babies ever. I mean seriously, look at him.
Favorite milestone of week 2 : We have a belly button folks! I woke up in the wee hours of the morning last week to change Samson's diaper & feed him. To my surprise when I opened the diaper I saw a belly button where his umbilical stump had been a few hours prior. I tell you what, it's the cutest little belly button I have ever seen.
Parenting fail : Last week I experienced the first peeing while "air drying" incident (not to be confused with first time he peed/pooped without a diaper on, because that has happened, a lot). Samson was laying on a blanket on the living room floor so his skin breathe a little bit. Cash was laying next to him when the water works started and was directly in the line of fire. I worked as fast as I could to cover Samson with a diaper, but I wasn't fast enough to wipe the pee off of Cash before he licked it off of himself. Oops.
Parenting high-five : Friday I was able to simultaneously bottle-feed Samson, pump & play fetch with Cash. I was so proud. 

Momma's lifesaver : Coffee. And a combination of the mamaRoo, the bouncer & the boppy. Samson sleeps so well, but between getting stuff done around the house, hanging out with Aaron & participating in my new favorite hobby pumping *sarcasm* I rarely get enough sleep.

Adventures together : Last week we visited daddy at work, went to my dermatologist appointment, and took Cash to the vet for his annual wellness visit. The later two we were accompanied by my mom, because holy smokes, can you imagine toting around a car seat and a huge black lab 2 weeks post-partum? No way.

Yesterday, I took Samson to Target (where else?). While I was pushing him around with Starbucks in hand, I realized how amazing it felt. I'm so proud of my beautiful son and I am so amazed with who I have become. I've finally made it to motherhood: perfect baby, yoga pants, fancy diaper bag & all.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Samson : 1 week update

I can't believe Samson is 8 days old already! Time needs to hurry up and slow down. 

I won't include stats on Samson every week because 1. I don't own a baby scale and 2. Measuring this baby in any capacity is like a three person job, he can be SO squirmy. However, since we were at the doctor's office yesterday I can tell you that Samson has gotten back to his birth weight (+ 1 oz, which I personally just think was related to his wet diaper). That means at 8 lbs 4 oz and 21" long, Samson is in the 85th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. 

Tomorrow will be one week since we brought Samson home. It has been one of the biggest learning experiences of our lives. As first time parents, Aaron and I didn't know what to expect from our son or from each other and the process has been remarkably fun so far. I never thought Aaron would handle diapers like a champ, I never thought he would be the professional burper in the family and I never thought he would deal with whining (Samson's or mine) with such grace. 

The first day we came home we got to introduce Samson to Cash. Cash absolutely adores his little brother and his instincts to protect Samson and be gentle with him are spot on. I can't wait to see how the bond between them deepens as they grow up together. Sunday he got to watch his first Dallas Cowboys football game, it might have been a bit disappointing for him, because he slept right through it. Aaron loved having his little football buddy to snuggle though. Tuesday, Samson had his newborn pictures taken by Ashley Sommer, if you haven't seen the preview pictures she posted from the session, you can view them here.  Other exciting happenings from this week include Samson meeting several of our friends and a few family members. Some have even been lucky enough to be christened with a nice warm bath, courtesy of Samson. How sweet ;)

I snapped these pictures yesterday as soon as we got home from the pediatrician's office and right before Samson peed all over them. Oh the joys of being a newborn!

Welcome Baby Samson!

January 7th, 2015
3:43 am
8 lbs 3 oz

I am finally excited to announce Samson August to the blogosphere. He is so sweet and snuggley, Aaron and I are completely smitten. I cannot believe that we are his parents and he is our child. I knew becoming a parent would change everything, but no one could have prepared me for the way my heart would grow and change so quickly. It is such an honor that God chose me to be Samson's momma.

Aaron and I went to the hospital Monday night, January 5th to start the process of induction. It wasn't a decision we made lightly, but our doctor helped us decide what was best for us. I won't go into specifics, but my labor started approximately 7 pm that night and ramped up throughout the night while I was sleeping. They started me on pitocin at approximately noon on Tuesday, January 6th. Then it was just a (LONG) waiting game until Samson made his big debut.

About 2:15 am on Wednesday, my nurse came into the room and started getting things ready and about twenty minutes later it was show time. After what felt like the blink of an eye and a slow eternity, Samson finally arrived! He had a bit of a rough start due to swallowing a big gulp of amniotic fluid when he opened his mouth for the first time. He was quickly whisked over to the isolette in the corner of the room and thanks to the amazing team of labor and delivery nurses, NICU nurses and respiratory therapists they got our sweet baby boy breathing and crying and into my arms, right where he was meant to be. It was one of the most surreal, amazing and scary moments of my life and I am SO thankful to have had my amazing husband by my side holding my hand and re-assuring me the entire time. It was definitely a little glimpse of heaven, a moment where I had such a clear vision of God's plan and God's love. I am completely amazed by this beautiful life God has blessed me with.

First family picture

First time daddy got to hold Samson

Samson had a few more issues with breathing and so before we could be moved to my post-partum room he had to spend some time in the nursery to have his lungs cleared out again (for the third time) and they needed to monitor his oxygen levels to make sure he was stable. He was finally rolled back into our room and as soon as we got to our post-partum recovery room he was back in my arms. 

Happy birthday baby boy!

Due to vistor restrictions and being exhausted from a long labor, Aaron and I decided to only have grandparents visit us in the hospital. Samson is the first grandchild for Aaron's parents and grandchild #6 for my mom and dad. It was so fun to introduce our baby to our parents.
Meeting Grandpa West

Meeting Grandma West 

Meeting Grandpa and Grandma Eddie

This little boy has us wrapped around his fingers already, enjoy a few pictures of some of the sweetness from his first day.

40 weeks

I didn't get this up fast enough, so it's taken a while to get it online since we've brought Samson home. Aaron snapped this picture of me right before we left for the hospital, it's blurry because we were so excited I just didn't care. I wrote a few quick notes to keep up with my weekly updates while I was being induced but, didn't get around to posting them until today. One of the last ever pictures of me & my lovely bump. 

Today : 40 weeks + 1 day

Weight Gain :  30 pounds

Maternity Clothes : My end of pregnancy wardrobe includes non-maternity yoga pants or leggings and my maternity shirts with a nice long tank top. My last day of work before maternity leave I was wearing medium scrub bottoms and a medium scrub top. My clothes can’t stretch much further!

Stretch marks : None that I can see yet!

Sleep : Still fairly difficult to get and stay comfortable with this big belly. I am beyond exhausted though!

Sickness : None!

Movement :  Little man is still moving around like crazy in here! Soon he’ll stop using his energy to kick my ribs and instead have to start focusing on making his way out of here, so I’m pretty excited about that.

Cravings : Still loving Dr. Pepper… had Aaron pick me up one last one on his way home from work this afternoon before we went to our doctor’s appointment.

Exciting happenings : Full term baby! Getting induced TONIGHT!

Friday, January 2, 2015

39 weeks

Today : 39 weeks + 5 days

Weight Gain :  29-30 pounds ... at the point, this is a total guess. I had lost weight at my doctor's appointment last week, but I think I have gained a few since. At this point, I don't care one bit what the scale says, I have a fully formed, full sized infant in my belly. Pretty impressive if you ask me!

Maternity Clothes : I have worn (non-maternity) yoga pants for the past several weeks. Jeans are 100% overrated, even with an elastic waist. However, I'm stretching my maternity tops to new lengths. Literally, they are hardly long enough anymore. 

Stretch marks : Pretty sure the answer is still no. According to Aaron there aren't any. However, the southern hemisphere of my belly has long been out of sight, so I might be surprised with a few once I can see below my belly-button again.

Sleep : Between frequent bathroom breaks and needing a fork lift to roll from my right to left side and vice versa when my hips/knees get sore, I spend a lot of my sleeping hours awake. I've always been a fan of naps, so I've managed okay ;)

Sickness : A little more heartburn than usual, but otherwise feeling really good.

Movement : Samson has been moving a little less this week, which gives me hope that maybe he is starting to conserve some energy for d-day. I can't wait until we see him and I can match the knees and feet that have been poking through my belly for the past 9 months. 

Cravings : No food/drink cravings. More than anything I'm ready to meet this little guy!

Exciting happenings : We are TWO days away from our due date. Keep in mind I was born via c-section 12 days after my due date and Aaron was born via c-section 10 days after his due date. I'm trying to keep an open mind as to when and how he comes. Honestly, as long as we get to bring home our healthy little boy I don't care how he gets here. 

Aaron and I tried to take advantage of the past several days together since he was off work for the holidays. We've watched movies, shopped, worked on house projects and spent a lot of time spoiling Cash. I had to snap a picture of my guys on one of our last family walks before Samson makes us a party of four!