I didn't get this up fast enough, so it's taken a while to get it online since we've brought Samson home. Aaron snapped this picture of me right before we left for the hospital, it's blurry because we were so excited I just didn't care. I wrote a few quick notes to keep up with my weekly updates while I was being induced but, didn't get around to posting them until today. One of the last ever pictures of me & my lovely bump.
Today : 40 weeks + 1 day
Weight Gain : 30
Maternity Clothes : My end of pregnancy wardrobe includes
non-maternity yoga pants or leggings and my maternity shirts with a nice long
tank top. My last day of work before maternity leave I was wearing medium scrub
bottoms and a medium scrub top. My clothes can’t stretch much further!
Stretch marks : None that I can see yet!
Sleep : Still fairly difficult to get and stay comfortable
with this big belly. I am beyond exhausted though!
Sickness : None!
Movement : Little man
is still moving around like crazy in here! Soon he’ll stop using his energy to
kick my ribs and instead have to start focusing on making his way out of here,
so I’m pretty excited about that.
Cravings : Still loving Dr. Pepper… had Aaron pick me up one
last one on his way home from work this afternoon before we went to our doctor’s
Exciting happenings : Full term baby! Getting induced
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