When it came to becoming a momma, I had no idea what to expect. Aaron & I didn't take any classes & I have yet to open any kind of pregnancy or parenting book. It wasn't that we didn't talk about or dream about what becoming a family would mean, but the truth is there is nothing anyone can tell you to prepare you for parenthood. There have been several times I have been heard saying "I wish someone would have told me..." in the last two (almost three) weeks and I'm fairly certain we are running Google to max capacity with all the questions we've had.
All of sleeplessness aside, I love all the time I get to spend getting to know our son. I love watching his expressions while he naps and I love watching him observe the world around him while he is awake. I've affectionately given him the nickname Little Bear and I think he is one of the cutest babies ever. I mean seriously, look at him.
Parenting fail : Last week I experienced the first peeing while "air drying" incident (not to be confused with first time he peed/pooped without a diaper on, because that has happened, a lot). Samson was laying on a blanket on the living room floor so his skin breathe a little bit. Cash was laying next to him when the water works started and was directly in the line of fire. I worked as fast as I could to cover Samson with a diaper, but I wasn't fast enough to wipe the pee off of Cash before he licked it off of himself. Oops.
Parenting high-five : Friday I was able to simultaneously bottle-feed Samson, pump & play fetch with Cash. I was so proud.
Momma's lifesaver : Coffee. And a combination of the mamaRoo, the bouncer & the boppy. Samson sleeps so well, but between getting stuff done around the house, hanging out with Aaron & participating in my new favorite hobby pumping *sarcasm* I rarely get enough sleep.
Adventures together : Last week we visited daddy at work, went to my dermatologist appointment, and took Cash to the vet for his annual wellness visit. The later two we were accompanied by my mom, because holy smokes, can you imagine toting around a car seat and a huge black lab 2 weeks post-partum? No way.
Yesterday, I took Samson to Target (where else?). While I was pushing him around with Starbucks in hand, I realized how amazing it felt. I'm so proud of my beautiful son and I am so amazed with who I have become. I've finally made it to motherhood: perfect baby, yoga pants, fancy diaper bag & all.
Adventures together : Last week we visited daddy at work, went to my dermatologist appointment, and took Cash to the vet for his annual wellness visit. The later two we were accompanied by my mom, because holy smokes, can you imagine toting around a car seat and a huge black lab 2 weeks post-partum? No way.
Yesterday, I took Samson to Target (where else?). While I was pushing him around with Starbucks in hand, I realized how amazing it felt. I'm so proud of my beautiful son and I am so amazed with who I have become. I've finally made it to motherhood: perfect baby, yoga pants, fancy diaper bag & all.
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