Friday, January 2, 2015

39 weeks

Today : 39 weeks + 5 days

Weight Gain :  29-30 pounds ... at the point, this is a total guess. I had lost weight at my doctor's appointment last week, but I think I have gained a few since. At this point, I don't care one bit what the scale says, I have a fully formed, full sized infant in my belly. Pretty impressive if you ask me!

Maternity Clothes : I have worn (non-maternity) yoga pants for the past several weeks. Jeans are 100% overrated, even with an elastic waist. However, I'm stretching my maternity tops to new lengths. Literally, they are hardly long enough anymore. 

Stretch marks : Pretty sure the answer is still no. According to Aaron there aren't any. However, the southern hemisphere of my belly has long been out of sight, so I might be surprised with a few once I can see below my belly-button again.

Sleep : Between frequent bathroom breaks and needing a fork lift to roll from my right to left side and vice versa when my hips/knees get sore, I spend a lot of my sleeping hours awake. I've always been a fan of naps, so I've managed okay ;)

Sickness : A little more heartburn than usual, but otherwise feeling really good.

Movement : Samson has been moving a little less this week, which gives me hope that maybe he is starting to conserve some energy for d-day. I can't wait until we see him and I can match the knees and feet that have been poking through my belly for the past 9 months. 

Cravings : No food/drink cravings. More than anything I'm ready to meet this little guy!

Exciting happenings : We are TWO days away from our due date. Keep in mind I was born via c-section 12 days after my due date and Aaron was born via c-section 10 days after his due date. I'm trying to keep an open mind as to when and how he comes. Honestly, as long as we get to bring home our healthy little boy I don't care how he gets here. 

Aaron and I tried to take advantage of the past several days together since he was off work for the holidays. We've watched movies, shopped, worked on house projects and spent a lot of time spoiling Cash. I had to snap a picture of my guys on one of our last family walks before Samson makes us a party of four!

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